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Hamburg International Comedy:The Biggest Event of the Year

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Hamburg International Comedy:The Biggest Event of the Year

NewYEAR !!! New Exprerience !!
Be Among 1000 people to our biggest night with the International Comedians under one roof !! meet the best from different continents :))
Expect a night full of energy, raw comedy, storytelling and political incorrectness.
This is definitely one night not to miss ))
Tickets @
Line Up:Dr. Jason Leong : Malaysia
Carmen Chraim : Lebanon
kirthy Iyer :  India 
Dana Alexander : Canada 
Captain Khalid : Tanzania 
Kinaan Al : Lebanon20% of the Ticket Sales Will be donated to Viva Con Agua upcoming water Projects cc: ..
Viva con Agua de Santa Pauli eV is a non-profit association committed to ensuring that all people worldwide have access to clean drinking water . That's why Viva con Agua promote water projects and actions in Germany and abroad according to the motto "Water for all - all for water" . Viva con Agua rely on a lot of positive Aktivimsus:



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Alter Postweg 30 - 36
21075 Hamburg - Heimfeld
Termine: Friedrich-Ebert-Halle, Hamburg

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