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Folk-Konzert mit "Golden Bough"

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Das kalifornische Trio "Golden Bough" das sind Kathy Sierra, Geige/Gesang, Margie Butler, Harfe/Flöte/ Gesang und Paul Espinoza, Gitarre / Mandoline/Gesang. Die modernen Barden bezaubern ihr Publikum seit vielen Jahren mit ihrer keltischen Folkmusik. Sie klingen unbeschwert, leichtfüßig, melancholisch, tiefsinnig und vor allem jedes Mal überraschend.

Long before the popularity of Celtic Women & Celtic Thunder and long before Celtic became a household word, Golden Bough was bringing their style of Celtic music to fans throughout the United States and Europe. Since 1980 Golden Bough has been delighting audiences with their unique renditions of the Celtic music of Ireland & Scotland. Besides their many years of touring, these modern day minstrels have recorded over 30 albums. Their latest release, “Westering Home”, embodies the music and the spirit of those who have traveled away from  their homeland.

 With a dazzling array of acoustic instruments; Celtic harp, guitar, violin, viola, penny-whistle, octave-mandolin, accordion, and bodhran, and a haunting vocal style, Margie Butler, Paul Espinoza and Kathy Sierra capture the essence and joy of traditional folk music and captivate audiences with the uniqueness of their sound.

The concert on September 19 will also be in celebration of Margie Butler's birthday! A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

Veranstalter: Kulturzentrum Marstall e.V.



Daten von OpenStreetMap - Veröffentlicht unter ODbL
Kulturzentrum Marstall
Lübecker Str. 8
22926 Ahrensburg
Telefon: +49 4102 40002
Termine: Kulturzentrum Marstall, Ahrensburg

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